Campaign Action Steps


Learn about the “Hydra-Headed Delusion Dragon” that has the world caught in its spell, and how we can combat its multi-headed delusions and threats.

Download and read CEC’s free e-book Delusions and Contradictions.

Delusions and Contradictions provides the basis for why we need to trigger a wide spread alarm and how we can achieve it.

The first imperative of the Climate & Ecological Emergency Campaign is to issue a nationwide alarm. The “tool” CEC is using in this warning effort is to share far and wide the free e-book Delusions and Contradictions (see box, right).

Help mobilize three philanthropies and two political leaders to sound the alarm. Sample letters and contact information are below. Write to one or more of the following:

1. William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

Send e-mail messages to:

Vidya Krishnamurthy, Director of Communications
[email protected]

Liz Judge, Communications Officer, Environment
[email protected]

Sample message: 

Dear Vidya and Liz:

Attached is an essay e-book titled Delusions and Contradictions for your review. It contains pertinent information for the Hewlett Foundation, explaining how the Hewlett Foundation is failing to meet its strategic program objectives related to its Environmental Program.

The failures are explained in the essay and I request that you forward the essay to President Larry Kramer and to Jonathan Pershing, Program Director for the Environment. 

I ask that you help us avert the coming climate-ecological disasters related to the “Hydra-Headed Dragon” depicted and detailed in the essay. First, I request that the Hewlett Foundation sound an alarm throughout the United States. Second, I ask that the Hewlett Foundation plays a supportive role in helping to broadcast the reality of the threats we face.  

Third, once Hewlett sounds the alarm and plays its appropriate role in awakening and galvanizing citizens, I expect that the Hewlett Foundation will help fund the follow-through civil discourse gatherings required to help all of us construct a healthy set of operating systems so that we are assured of a viable future. All of this is explained in Delusions and Contradictions.


(your name here)

Delusions and Contradictions attached


2. MacArthur Foundation

Send e-mail messages to:

Jorgen Thomsen, Director, Climate Solutions
[email protected]

Milo Vodopic, Senior Program Officer, Climate Solutions
[email protected]

Kate Barnes, Senior Program Officer, Conservation & Sustainable Development
[email protected]

Sample message:

Dear Jorgen Thomsen, Mijo Vodopic, and Kate Barnes:

I am sending you an essay e-book titled Delusions and Contradictions that is central to your program area concerns. Please review it and discuss among your MacArthur Foundation Directors and staff.

I ask that you help us avert the coming climate-ecological disasters related to the “Hydra-Headed Dragon” depicted and detailed in the essay. First, I request that the MacArthur Foundation sound an alarm throughout the United States.  Second, I ask that the MacArthur Foundation plays a supportive role in helping to broadcast the reality of the threats we face.  

Third, once MacArthur sounds the alarm and plays its appropriate role in awakening and galvanizing citizens, I expect that the MacArthur Foundation will help fund the follow-through civil discourse gatherings required to help all of us construct a healthy set of operating systems so that we are assured of a viable future. All of this is explained in Delusions and Contradictions.


(your name here)

Delusions and Contradictions attached


3. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Go to the Contact-us link:

Fill in Message Type by clicking “Other.”  Then fill in your contact information. 

In the Message section, you might write something like this:

I would like to send an electronic copy of an essay to Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, and CEO Susan Desmond-Hellmann.  Please tell me the best way to do that.

When they respond to you, almost always by email, send them Delusions and Contradictions with a short introductory message that appeals to you.


4. Senator Bernie Sanders, Vermont

Go to the Comment section:

For Message Topic, select "Environment." Then fill in your contact information.

For the Subject, write: 

I want to send you a crucial essay

Sample message to fill in Comments section:

Dear Bernie:

I would like to send you, Katie Thomas in your office, and your staff an essay e-book titled “Delusions and Contradictions.”  This essay supplements what you said on the presidential campaign trail, particularly the need for a full response to the looming climate destabilization threats we face.

The essay details the climate-ecological disasters in store for us and embodies them in the form of the Hydra-Headed Dragon depicted. Please provide me with a way to send you this critical essay that begs for comprehensive responses. Crucially, it provides a way to trigger the sounding of the alarm connected with fighting the Dragon that has us in its grip.

Thank you, Bernie for your work on behalf of all of us,


(your name here)


5. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Rhode Island

Go to the email Sheldon section:   

For the Subject, write:

I want to send a crucial essay on Climate and Ecology 

Sample message to fill in Comments section:

Dear Senator Whitehouse:

I would like to send you and your staff a copy of an important essay e-book, titled "Delusions and Contradictions." This essay details critical looming climate-ecological threats that our nation faces, many of which you have worked to avert, and depicts them in the form of a Hydra-Headed Dragon, given their interconnectedness and severity. Please tell me how to send an electronic copy for you and your staff.

I am asking you and your staff to help sound the alarm related to this Dragon, as the essay explains how we can get the alarm triggered. Moreover, please circulate this essay and its existential-threat implications to your family, friends, and constituents.


(your name here)

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